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Ароматерапия - Хидромасажни системи

Ароматерапия - Хидромасажни системи

40 centuries ago, the Egiptians and the Chinese have discovered the benefic effects of the essential oils. The Arabians have approached the same theme of scientific bases, as authors of some scripts containing studies about some botanic species. Rene Maurice Gattefosse, a french chemist, one of the fonders of modern aromotherapy, has discovered almost by accident the healing properties of some aromatic oils, in the years 20’s of the last century. The aromotherapy universe presumes alleviation with the perfumes’ help. This type of treatment is addressed not only to the body, but to the soul and the intelect, reestablishing the equilibrium of those entities. The essential oil is a real force which can swing the various aspects of the human being: physic, emotional, mental and spiritual.
Строителни материали на изгодни цени в Европа - Разпределение на строителни материали

Строителни материали на изгодни цени в Европа - Разпределение на строителни материали

Marola. Din 1992. Oferim consiliere, comercializam si livram peste 30.000 de produse si solutii in toata Romania, precum si Europa ! Materiale de constructii | Materiale de zidarie | Produse metalurgice | Finisaje | Instalatii sanitare Instalatii electrice | Instalatii termice | Casa si gradina | Amenajari interioare | Amenajari exterioare | Mobila | Sisteme complete pentru termoizolatii | Sisteme complete pentru comaprtimentari si imprejmuiri | Sisteme complete pentru hidroizolatii | Gresie si Faianta | Scule si unelte | Parchet | Protectia muncii | Sisteme de prindere Suntem motivati de aceleasi lucruri ca tine, de 25 de ani. Oferim consiliere pentru ca lucrurile sa fie facute bine. Iti punem la dispozitie expertiza noastra, astfel incat sa construiesti si sa amenajezi corect. Onoram comenzile repede si livram rapid. Clientii nostri ne descriu ca fiind prompti, competenti si prietenosi.